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Terms & Conditions

Fabric Auction Terms and Conditions PT. Knitto Textile Indonesia

If you participate in the fabric auction that we hold, then we consider that you have read, understood, and agreed to the Fabric Auction Terms and Conditions that we apply as follows:


Some terms in these Fabric Auction Terms and Conditions have the following meanings:

  1. You/Your/Yours, means the customers and/or users of the Website, who are bidders.
  2. We/Our/Us, means PT Knitto Tekstil Indonesia.
  3. Website, is the website of PT Knitto Tekstil Indonesia, namely
  4. WA , means our official WhatsApp number listed in any auction-related information.
  5. Total Weight, is the total weight of all fabrics (according to the number of pieces) in one Auction Package, which is listed on the Website and becomes the basis for calculation in the auction. Total Weight in our auction process is divided into:
    1. Total Gross Weight, is the Total weight for Stocklot Fabric;
    2. Total Net Weight, is the Total Weight for BS & Seal Fabrics, and Fabrics Under 1 Kg, which ncludes the weight of the plastic wrap. We need to inform you that the net weight in our system is the result of re-weighing the fabric after the completion of the dyeing and finishing process. The net weight still contains the weight of the plastic wrap which is also weighed in the re-weighing process. We kindly ask you to study the plastic weight (maximum) in Section B point 5 of the Terms and Conditions of this Auction.
  6. Weight Range, is the division of the auction fabric weight range per piece. Weight Range in our auction process is divided into:
    1. Gross Weight Range, is the Weight Range for Stocklot Fabrics;
    2. Net Weight Range, s the Weight Range for BS & Seal Fabrics, and Fabrics Under 1 Kg.
  7. Fabric Condition, means information about the condition of the fabric we are auctioning, which consists of:
    1. Kain BS & Segel. BS Fabric is a piece of fabric that has a defect on it (this can be holes, lines, dirt, etc). Seal Fabric is a piece of fabric that is at the end of each roll of fabric, including fabric on which there are scribbles or a little dirty from the factory;
    2. Fabric Under 1 Kg, is the remaining pieces of fabric weighing under 1 Kg, in good condition, but not 100% free of defects; or
    3. Stocklot Fabric, is the remaining stock fabric from the factory with imperfect conditions (We will provide an explanation of the imperfections of the fabric), weighing more than 1 Kg, and is not a BS & Seal Fabric.

We inform you that each Fabric Condition mentioned above is as-is, imperfect, has defects, and/or is in dirty condition. 8. Opening Price per-Kg, means the initial price per-Kg of the fabric we are auctioning. The per-Kg Opening Price in our auction process is divided into:

  1. Gross per-Kg Opening Price, is the per-Kg Opening Price for Stocklot Fabrics;
  2. Net per-Kg Opening Price, is the per-Kg Opening Price for BS & Seal Fabrics, and Fabrics Under 1 Kg.
  1. Bid Price,, means the price of the per-Kg fabric that you offer as a bidder, for the Auction Package that you choose. The Bid Price in our auction process is divided into:
    1. Bid Price per Gross Kg, is the special Bid Price for Stocklot Fabrics;
    2. Bid Price per-Kg Net, is a special Bid Price for BS & Seal Fabrics, and Fabrics Under 1 Kg.
  2. Best Bid Price, is the highest Bid Price deemed reasonable by Us. In this case we have the right to determine the Best Bid Price that applies during the Auction Period. The Best Bid Price in our auction process is divided into:
    1. Best Offer Price per Gross Kg, is the Best Offer Price specifically for Stocklot Fabrics;
    2. Best Offer Price per-Kg Net, is the Best Offer Price specifically for BS & Seal Fabrics, and Fabrics Under 1 Kg.
  3. Auction Package, means the packages offered in the Auction Period, which are displayed on the Website in the form of "Auction Number", and the contents will be informed in the "Auction Details section". Auction Packages contain auction fabrics with predetermined Fabric Conditions, including size, color, and material type which may vary.
  4. Auction Period , means the period of time during which bidders may submit Bid Prices to Us.


  1. We will provide information both on the Website and on our social media, relating to the implementation of the fabric auction.
  2. Before you participate in the fabric auction process, we ask that you view and understand the Auction Terms and Conditions, Auction Details, and Auction Period, which information is available on our Website.
  3. The terms in Section A will be your reference in interpreting certain terms in these Auction Terms and Conditions.
  4. We inform you that the contents of the Auction Package are fabrics with Fabric Conditions that we have classified, with different weights, quantities, sizes, colors, types, materials, and/or there is a possibility of mixing. You cannot choose the size, type, material or color of the fabric in the contents of the Auction Package that we provide. The condition of the Fabric contained in each Auction Package is in accordance with our existing inventory. Therefore, we request that you read the Auction Details before providing the Bid Price.
  5. We need to inform you, for Fabric Under 1 Kg, the Net Weight Amount is obtained by weighing the fabric with the fabric wrapped in plastic. You can see the maximum plastic weight tolerance per piece of fabric in the following table:
    Range Berat NettoPersentase maksimal berat plastik *)
    0.05 - 0.33 Kg2.0%
    0.34 - 0.66 Kg2.0%
    0.67 - 0.79 Kg1.5%
    0.80 - 0.99 Kg1.0%
    *) Persentase maksimal berat plastik per Jumlah Berat Netto per Paket Lelang
  6. If you wish to see the auctioned fabric pieces in person, you can visit our branch location according to the description of the location where the fabric auction is held. This location will be shown in the information about the Auction Package on the Website.
  7. We hold this auction process to obtain the Best Bid Price for the Auction Package that we provide, by giving you the opportunity to provide a Bid Price (can be more than 1 time) during the Auction Period.
  8. The per-Kg Opening Price set by us is a reference price that you can use to provide a Bid Price at the beginning of the Auction Period.
  9. The Bid Price you provide must be higher or at least equal to the per-Kg Opening Price. We do not accept Bid Prices that are lower than the per-Kg Opening Price.
  10. Please be informed that the total price of the Auction Package you win is inclusive of PPN, but the price does not include shipping costs (if any).


  1. In the Auction Period:

    If you are interested in joining the fabric auction then you can:

    1. Visit the "Shop" menu on the "home" page of our website, then click "Fabric Auction".
    2. Select your desired Auction Package, which is available during the Auction Period on our Website.
    3. Check the Auction Details, per-Kg Opening Price and Best Bid Price of the Auction Package you have selected at the time you intend to submit your Bid Price.
    4. Continue the process of providing the Bid Price in accordance with the flow specified on our Website. You will be directed to our WA, and you can follow the directions as stated in the WA.
    5. If you feel that the Bid Price you provide is not the Best Bid Price at any time in the Auction Period, then during the Auction Period, you still have the opportunity to provide a new Bid Price via WA.
    6. After the Auction Period ends, You will no longer be able to provide Bid Prices to Us.
  2. After the Auction Period ends:

    1. We will first check the list of Bid Prices that have entered in our system. The winner of the Best Bid Price that we determine is considered valid, and cannot be contested.
    2. We will contact you who successfully provide the Best Bid Price via WA no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days after the Auction Period ends, this is to confirm whether you will continue to the payment process or not.
    3. For those of you who are not contacted by us within the aforementioned period, we can inform you that the Bid Price you have provided has not been successful in that Auction Period.
    4. After we provide information that your Bid Price wins, We will wait for your response within 1 x 24 hours. This response is related to whether you will continue to the payment process or not. If you are not interested in continuing the auction process to the payment process or you do not provide a response within 1 x 24 hours, then the Bid Price you provide will be considered canceled, and we will contact the participant with the next best Bid Price.
    5. If when we contact you, you agree to proceed to the payment process, then we will direct you to the payment procedure. We will wait for your payment within 1 x 24 hours after Our party provides information about the total bill that you have to pay. In the event that you are unable to make a payment within that period, then We will give your Auction Package to the party with the next Best Bid Price.
    6. If your Bid Price wins, but you do not proceed to the payment process (Section C Point 2 letter d), or do not make payment (Section C Point 2 letter e), then henceforth you can no longer participate in the auction process that we hold.
    7. For those of you who want the Auction Package delivered to your location, you must provide information to us when you agree to proceed to the payment process. We will offer an alternative expedition, and you will be charged the applicable shipping fee.
    8. After you make payment for the Auction Package that you have won, and we have confirmed the payment, then within 1 working day we will immediately prepare your Auction Package.
    9. The Auction Package that you have paid and we have prepared, we will send it through the expedition you choose, or you can pick it up at our location (our location according to the Auction Package information you choose). We will provide information to you regarding when your Auction Package is ready to be picked up.
    10. At the time of collecting the Auction Package at our location, you are required to provide the verification code or collection code stated on the Invoice, to our security.
    11. If your Auction Package is picked up by a courier or online transportation party, please ensure that at the time of picking up the Auction Package, your courier or online transportation party provides a verification code or pickup code to our security.
    12. We are not responsible for any loss or damage to the Auction Package that you or your representative have picked up, or by the expedition or online transportation you have chosen.
    13. The maximum limit for direct collection of Your Auction Package at Our location is for 7 (seven) business days, calculated from the time We notify You that Your Auction Package can be picked up. In the event that the collection of the Auction Package exceeds the aforementioned period, We are not responsible in the event of damage or loss of Your Auction Package.


We need to inform you that the Auction Package that you choose, win, pay, and receive in the auction process cannot be returned or exchanged to us. This is for the reason that the condition of the contents of the Auction Package is basically as we mentioned in the DEFINITIONS section above, and this condition is not a perfect condition of fabric in general. By participating in the auction process, you agree to all conditions of the contents of the Auction Package offered in our auction process.


  1. We hope that those who take part in our auction process are serious bidders, and have good intentions.
  2. We have our own policies towards parties or bidders who do not have good faith in participating in our auction process.
  3. We have the right to unilaterally cancel the auction winner if the winning auction participant does not meet the applicable conditions, or we find indications of fraud or violations that harm us in any form.

2023 Version. Last updated on January 31st 2023.

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Terms & Condition: Auction