Where is Knitto store?
Does Knitto open on Sunday? What time does the store close?
Are the quality in all Knitto branches the same?
Can Knitto make t-shirt production?
Does Knitto provide free samples?
How long is 1 roll of combed fabric in meter?
Can Knitto fabric be printed?
What's the meaning of fabric width?
What's the meaning of grammage?
What's the difference between 20s, 24s, 30s, and 40s fabrics?
How to differentiate combed fabrics that have 100% cotton composition?
Are Knitto fabrics eco-friendly?
Why does the fabric shrink after washing?
Are fabrics colors consistent?
Why the weight of the roll fabric do not match what is written on the sticker label?
What's the difference between gross and nett weight?
Why my fabrics have deffect?
What's the meaning of Rib?
What's the meaning of Bur?
What are the meaning of Collar and Cuffs?
What's the meaning of Rib Spandex?
How much Rib is needed for 1 Kg of fabric?
How many Collar dan Cuffs are needed for 1 Kg of fabric?
How much Bur is needed for making jacket or hoodie?
Does Polyester Activedry have accessories?
How many clothes can 1 Kg of fabric made?
How many t-shirt can 1 Roll of fabric made?
How many polo shirt can 1 Kg fabric made?
How many long sleeve can 1 Kg Combed 30s made?
What is the length x width of the shirt for the standard sizes S, M, L, and XL?
Is there a minimum order quantity?
Does Knitto provide fabric price list?
How long will it take for pre-order?
How long does it allow to complete the payment?
Is it allow to make an order via Whatsapp and make the payment at the store when picking up the fabric?
If I want to order, how do I do it? Should I book first or can I use WhatsApp or do I have to go to the store?
Is Knitto can issue tax invoice?
Is it allow to buy fabric under 1 Kg?
If I order 25 Kg of fabrics but each color is different, which price I'll be charged?
How's the order delivery method?
Does Knitto provide shipping insurance?
What are the available courier options in Knitto?
Can Knitto deliver orders to other cities?
Can you deliver the order by bus?
Can the fabrics be delivered?